src filenametemplate C:\storage\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s/ String name ist !!!!!!!! C:\storage\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s String without path Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s String name ist !!!!!!!! Komp2_19-5-2015 No HLS Profile choose JobHandler :: startSegmentation with ID: 1 C:/Segmenter/Release/FAMIUMSegmenterVS.exe -cmd -i C:\storage\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s -b:v 512000 1024000 2048000 4096000 8192000 -b:a 128000 256000 -o Z:\public\dash\out\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s--19-5-2015_13h52m42s JobHandler :: startSegmentation with ID: 1 segmentation state address ONE :009BEBC4 now start segmentation runner 222 ! Start Segmenter.... the time is !!!! Z:\public\dash\out\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s--19-5-2015_13h52m42s/ Segmentation of 512000 kB/s video represenation ... done Segmentation of 1024000 kB/s video represenation ... done Segmentation of 2048000 kB/s video represenation ... done Segmentation of 4096000 kB/s video represenation ... done Segmentation of 8192000 kB/s video represenation ... done Segmentation of 128000 kB/s audio represenation ... ERROR: Unable to read C:\storage\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s/audio/128000/128000.mp4! All done, generate MPD ... MPD created. Written to: Z:\public\dash\out\Komp2_19-5-2015_13h48m17s--19-5-2015_13h52m42s/dash.mpd file prefix FhG_FOKUS_segment_clear_ after join !